Take 515 north past Walmart to Philadelphia Rd. Turn left on Philadelphia to your first street on the right which is Hobson Rd. Turn right on Hobson and travel about a ½ mile to Lance Road on your right. Turn right on Lance and travel to first stop sign. Lance road turns left here onto a gravel road. Take the gravel road until you see the entrance to “New Hope Acres” on the right.
At the intersection of GA 53 (Church Street) and Highway 5/515 go north to Philadelphia Road which is the third traffic light past this intersection.Turn Left onto Philadelphia Road and proceed .4 tenths of a mile to Hobson Road, turn right on Hobson Road and proceed .4 tenths of a mile to Lance Road and turn right, follow Lance Road to the 3-way Stop and turn left onto the gravel portion of Lance Road, continue on Lance Road .3 tenths of a mile to the entrance to NHA and New Hope Street. Turn onto paved road and building site is on the left.
